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Trump’s Comments on Immigration

Trump's Comments on Immigration

Recent comments made by former President Donald Trump have alleged that the Biden administration allowed tens of thousands of criminals into the U.S. This claim is based on a letter sent by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Texas Republican Representative Tony Gonzales on the subject of immigrants with criminal convictions, including thousands of murderers and sexual offenders. He alleges there are thousands of such offenders at large in the United States. However, these statements are a misrepresentation of the data presented in this letter.

ICE’s statement claims that as of July 21, 662, 556 people under ICE supervision were either convicted of crimes or face criminal charges. Of those 662, 556, the vast majority were not in ICE custody. This leaves out pivotal context: though they are not detained by ICE, the majority are still detained in some form: imprisoned or awaiting outcomes of their cases in immigration court, some even wearing monitoring devices. Others have served their sentence and cannot be deported back to their home countries because their countries will not have them back.

The remarks by Trump also neglected to note that in these figures, the largest category concerns those involved in traffic-related offenses, at 77, 074, though this is closely followed by assault at 66,231, and drug-related offenses at 56,533. Perhaps the most important context that went unmentioned is that these figures span decades, going back to at least 2010. Additionally, the Biden-Harris administration has prioritized the deportation of immigrants convicted of violent crimes, deporting them at a 50% higher rate than former President Trump.

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Cuídese de los notarios, consultores en inmigración o cualquier persona no calificada y preparada en estos temas. Siempre busque la asesoría y los servicios de un abogado de inmigración para sus procesos y trámites migratorios.