You have probably heard more than once stories of people who were turned down by the U.S. Consulate when applying for a visitor’s visa.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not a matter of luck to be approved. Consulates base their decisions on U.S. Immigration Law and regulations. The Immigration Act presumes that any person who applies for a visitor visa intends to migrate to, i.e. stay in, the United States.
It is the job of the visa applicant to convince the consulate officer that the trip is temporary and that his or her intention is to return to his or her home country.
The interview before the Consulate Officer is the only opportunity the applicant has to convince him/her. Applicants approach with purchased airline tickets, letters of invitation from family or friends in the United States, and complete itineraries for travel in the country.
But even more important than this is to be able to demonstrate to the Officer that the applicant maintains ties to his or her country of origin that he or she is not willing to abandon. It is not as important to demonstrate that there are valid reasons to travel as it is to demonstrate that there are much more compelling reasons to return to your country.
Having property, employment, family, assets, bank accounts, insurance, projects in your country will facilitate the approval of a visitor visa. This visa does not authorize the traveler to work in the United States, so it is important to prove that the traveler has the money to pay for the trip and the stay, or that there is a person in the United States who is responsible for these expenses and is also responsible for the traveler’s return within the specified time period.
Consulate officials interview people, not documents, so while it is important to document all of the above, it is equally and even more important to be able to express your intention to return to your country succinctly and clearly. Many times this is what determines the success of an interview.
And above all, do not under any circumstances state or present anything inaccurate or false to a Consulate Official. This may be considered fraud and may even result in criminal charges.
Be prepared to prove with documents any statements made to the Officer.
Cuídese de los notarios, consultores en inmigración o cualquier persona no calificada y preparada en estos temas. Siempre busque la asesoría y los servicios de un abogado de inmigración para sus procesos y trámites migratorios.