Arriving at the Miami airport can be intimidating for those of us who arrive with plans to stay for a specific or indefinite period of time. So many emotions make us very sensitive to a grim look from the officer on duty.
Upon seeing my passport the officer closed his eyes and said, “Oh no, a student!” and frowning he checked my documents.
I remember traveling first class, thanks to an oversold flight. I flew comfortably without having to fight for the blanket. “What a good omen,” I thought.
The officer took out a magnifying glass to examine my passport. “Any problems?” I said as a red light flashed above our heads. I was led into a room full of people waiting with anxious faces. The good omen ended quickly.
Finally I heard my name: “Welcome to the United States,” said another Officer handing me my passport. I left quickly, confused by this experience.
Now I understand what happened. U.S. immigration law presumes that every person who arrives is an immigrant. immigrantthat is, they are coming to stay unless there is proof to the contrary. No matter which visa you have, the officer may still question us about our plans to stay and must determine if we fall into any of the categories (economic, health, or security) that prohibit us from admission. This is the so-called First Inspection.
At the discretion of the officer, the traveler will be taken to a Second Inspection if further information or documents are needed. Apparently, the officer saw something unusual and requested a second inspection of my passport. As everything was in order, I was admitted without any problem.
If at any entrance to the country you are taken to a Second Inspection, do not be nervous. Answer the questions, provide the requested documents and never give inaccurate information.
It doesn’t matter if you arrive in first or economy class, the important thing is what happens next, with hard work and commitment, starting from scratch.
¡mucho cuidado!
Cuídese de los notarios, consultores en inmigración o cualquier persona no calificada y preparada en estos temas. Siempre busque la asesoría y los servicios de un abogado de inmigración para sus procesos y trámites migratorios.